Saturday, 20 February 2016

World Day of Social Justice

2016 Theme: A Just Transition - environmentally sustainable economies and societies


Social justice is an underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among nations. We uphold the principles of social justice when we promote gender equality or the rights of indigenous peoples and migrants. We advance social justice when we remove barriers that people face because of gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture or disability.
For the United Nations, the pursuit of social justice for all is at the core of our global mission to promote development and human dignity. The adoption by the International Labour Organization of the Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization is just one recent example of the UN system’s commitment to social justice. The Declaration focuses on guaranteeing fair outcomes for all through employment, social protection, social dialogue, and fundamental principles and rights at work.
The General Assembly proclaimed 20 February as World Day of Social Justice in 2007, inviting Member States to devote the day to promoting national activities in accordance with the objectives and goals of the World Summit for Social Development and the twenty-fourth session of the General Assembly. Observance of World Day of Social Justice should support efforts of the international community in poverty eradication, the promotion of full employment and decent work, gender equity and access to social well-being and justice for all.

New Vision for the Economy

The world has changed dramatically. We no longer live in a world relatively empty of humans and their artifacts. We now live in the "Anthropocene era" in a full world where humans are dramatically altering their ecological life-support systems. Our traditional economic concepts and models were developed in an empty world. If we are to create sustainable prosperity, if we seek "improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risk and ecological scarcities," we are going to need a new vision of the economy and its relationship to the rest of the world that's better adapted to the new conditions we face.
We are going to need an economics that respects planetary boundaries, that recontinues the dependence of human well-being on social relations and fairness, and that recognises that the ultimate goal is real, sustainable human well-being , not merely growth of material consumption.
The new economics recognises that the economy is embedded in a society and culture that are themselves embedded in an ecological life-support system, and that the economy can't grow forever on this finite planet.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day 2016-2018

                                 Theme – We can. I can.


Taking place under the tagline ‘We can. I can.’, World Cancer Day 2016-2018 will explore how everyone – as a collective or as individuals – can do their part to reduce the global burden of cancer.
Just as cancer affects everyone in different ways, all people have the power to take various actions to reduce the impact that cancer has on individuals, families and communities.
World Cancer Day is a chance to reflect on what you can do, make a pledge and take action. Whatever you choose to do ‘We can. I can.’ make a difference to the fight against cancer.

Key messages

WE CAN Horizonal Red hands
I Can Horizontal Blue hand
Rocket .png
Inspire action, take action
Apple key msg.png
Make healthy lifestyle choices
Apple 2.png
Prevent cancer
Understand that early detection saves  lives
Create healthy schools 
Speech bubble .png
Ask for support
Briefcase .png
Create healthy workplaces 
Return to work
Create healthy cities 
Take control of my cancer journey
Thumbs up.png
Support others to return to work
Love, and be loved
Challenge perceptions 
Loudspeaker .png
Make my voice heard 
Water Drop.png
Improve access to cancer care
Loudspeaker .png
Shape policy change 
Build a quality workforce 
Money bag.png
Make the case for investing in cancer control
Join forces to make a difference 
"On World Cancer Day, we have an opportunity to co